Please note: All photos posted by are taken with the iPhone (unless otherwise noted). Most posts are also uploaded via the iPhone and edited with the iPad.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

The start to Mothers Day Brunch

The start to a Hollandaise sauce
12 egg yokes - 6.5 cubes of butter - lemon juice, salt, white pepper and tabasco
This was enough for about 8-10 servings of Eggs Benedict (2 Benedicts per serving). We Served 7 with a little leftover (most used on the potatoes at the table)

Twice cooked Home Fries
Onions, garlic, tarragon, tyme, parsley, scallions, salt and cracked black pepper
(Twice cooked being first pan fried and then oven baked and browned)

Sent from my iPhone

- Edited using BlogPress from Shannon's iPad - Mill Valley, California


  1. This looks absolutely scrumptious! I've never made hollandaise sauce, but your recipe looks divine. Thank you for sharing...I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  2. Thanks, Hollandaise really isn't that hard, you just need endurance while whisking all the butter into the eggs and keep the heat low. Love your blog and am going to give baking a try one day as I am a stove top chef (or grill top).
